kidney health


In today’s rat race marathon, stress has become inescapable. Ongoing stress has become a part of life due to various reasons like work stress, monetary issues, responsibilities, and family relationships. This stress affects billions of people throughout the world. The impact of mental and emotional stress caused on the kidney health is not paid much heed to. This journal explains the complex and detailed connection between kidney health and stress, throwing light on how the modern way of living can aggravate kidney-related problems and what measures can be taken to reduce these threats.

Comprehending Stress and its Methodology

The natural response of the body to threats or obstacles is stress. During a situation where one feels exertion and discomfort, the body goes through various psychological changes named “fight or flight” response. This pushes the emission of cortisol and adrenaline hormones, which set up the body to tackle the threat. Even though this is a momentary benefit, chronic stress can make the pathway for an array of health problems. 

Chronic stress throws off almost every system in the human body. It can trouble the protective mechanism, interrupt the digestive system, and reproductive systems. It also speeds up the risk of strokes, heart attack and also fastens the ageing process. The least discussed fact but also extremely vital is nephrology health – the impact chronic stress can have on kidneys.

Functions of Renal System in the Body

Kidneys are the pivotal organs, who carry out the role of sifting waste products, excess water, and blemishes from the blood. They also manage blood pressure, produce hormones that monitor RBC (Red Blood Cells), and retain electrolytic substances in the body. In consideration of these important factors, it is crystal clear that safeguarding nephrology health is extremely important for comprehensive wellness and care.

Methods in Which Stress Obstacles the Kidney Health:

  1. Shooting up of the Blood Pressure:

Chronic stress can give rise to long-lasting blood pressure – a prominent cause of kidney damage. Shooted up blood pressure causes damage to the blood vessels in the kidneys, dropping their proficiency to function well. Over the period of time, this can surely end up in kidney failure. 

  1. Overthrow of the Balance of Hormones

Prominent stress hormone, cortisol can mess up the kidney functioning. Boosted levels of cortisol can lead to high sugar levels. If that remains unchecked, it causes diabetes – a huge risk element to kidney diseases.

  1. Puffiness

Chronic stress is correlated with increased inflammation in the body. Inflammation can cause damage to the tissues of the kidney and add up to the development of kidney diseases.

  1. Way of Living

Stress often paves way for unhealthy ways of living decisions such as inadequate diet, lack of physical activity, cigarette consumption and over consumption of liquor. 

These lifestyle choices can cause kidney stress and contribute to the development of Chronic Kidney Stress

Ways to Handle Stress and Safeguard Kidney Health

  1. Nutritious Diet Intake:

Incorporating a diet rich in vegetables, proteins, good fats and fruits help in regulating the blood sugar levels and blood pressure. Minimising excessive sugar and salt consumption is especially vital for nephrology health.

  1. Physical Activity:

Physical activity is a strong mode for stress reduction. It helps to control blood sugar, reduce blood pressure and improve comprehensive cardiovascular health, which helps kidney functioning. Try light exercise for minimum 30 minutes for most part, each week.

  1. Sufficient Sleep: 

Give importance to sleeping patterns by following a disciplined sleeping schedule and building a soothing atmosphere. Good sleep helps the body restore health and helps the kidney system.

  1. Stress Handling Approaches

Inculcate stress-reducing activities like yoga, meditation and leisure activities that enhance happiness and satisfaction. These practices can control the level of cortisol and bring down the effects of stress.

  1. Emotional Backing:

Establishing and upholding a good social circle can give emotional backing and diminish the isolation and loneliness feelings. Bonding over social activities and asking for help when needed are important for physical and mental health.

  1. Routine Health Examinations

Consulting a good and trained nephrology doctor or a nephrology surgeon can help monitor kidney functions and early detection of problems, if any. If you have health problems like diabetes or hypertension, it is vital that you proceed with the consultation from the best nephrology hospital in Hyderabad – Pragma superspeciality hospitals which is a top-tier family healthcare hospital.  

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